Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Please drive safely!

Happy Holidays! I was just talking to a friend who has a new car with AWD, and while it has great traction, ice and snow are tricky things. He slid across an intersection while braking on a downhill incline, and while he's perfectly fine, it's a wake-up call.

So please remember: the best way to keep safe in slippery conditions is to drive VERY CAREFULLY. That means slow! And while on dry pavement the brakes are your friends, on ice the brakes can actually cause you to lose traction and slip. Use lower gears (ie, 2, 3, or D3 on a Honda - read your owner's manual for more details) and always be aware of the situation around you.

And if you don't have to drive, please stay at home. That's even better than driving carefully.

Stay safe and have a wonderful holiday season!

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