Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cool Idea: Mini-ATV/RVs

Whoa, hold on a sec. Cool ATVs or RVs? No, I haven’t been lapping up antifreeze from beneath my cinder-block-residing Camaro. Jalopnik is reporting that Yamaha is doing some market research about small ATV-like vehicles that have the ability to turn into mini-RVs. I think that’s a neat idea.

Well, neat up to a point. I think ultimately it’s going to be used mainly by hunters, who I am guessing already form the majority of side-by-side-seating ATV buyers. Scratch that, all ATV buyers. But I dunno, this might be a good idea for people who work in extreme areas. I have friends who do geology in remote parts of Alaska, and I bet you could helicopter a few of these in and be a lot more self-sufficient than just an ATV/tent combo.

Anyhow, check out the article at Jalopnik.

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